Ali Wilson is not only a talented producer, but also a great DJ from England. In 2006 he was chosen, by Carl Cox in the DJ Mag magazine, as the producer of the year. He has many fans in his home country and abroad too, including Poland. What his plans for the future and is he planning a visit to our country? Read this interview to find out.

I know this is a long time ago, but can you remember how your adventure with electronic music begin?
Hi, yes I can… I was 14 years old and my brother got decks… after this I got hooked on music. I started playing all the Prodigy back catalogue then moved on to house, trance, techno and many other genres.
Who had the biggest influence on your career development or what event has had the greatest importance for up until now?
Probably The Prodigy and Carl Cox… I love the techno sound and still incorporate nowadays!
What are your plans for the next few months and where will be able to hear you?
I am playing @ Judgement Sundays street party this weekend, the Blefast next weekend, also have Australia tour coming up.
Your last album was released in 2010. Are you collecting the material for the third album and do you already the nearest term when we can expect it? Have you got any plans yet?
I am just concentrating on singles & EPs at the moment but I may do another album soon! :o)

You co-founded the label Tekelec Recordings. Where does the idea come from? Are you satisfied with this business?
Yes I founded Tekelec a few years ago… we stopped releasing material after a year or so as the big labels wanted to sign my stuff, they can get more coverage so I’ve been releasing with them since. Who knows I may start it again sometime. :o)
For some time, we’ve been observing a boom in the transition from trance to house. Your style is Hard Trance and Tech Trance. What do you think about this ‘fashion’ and are you planning to change your style?
My style ranges all trough the genres from house, trance & techno… I have always been like this and will continue to do so!
Are you got any life motto? If so, why have you chosen it?
Don’t spend time on being negative towards others, be positive on yourself!
You have been performing at Sunrise Festival in Poland. What do you think about Polish fans?
Yes, I love Poland and the people, they know how to drink! ;o) I can’t wait to play again…

Are you planning any show in Poland in the nearest future?
None as yet so please can someone book me??? :o)
And outside the music, do you have any hobby? How do you like spending your free time?
I play computer games and go to the pub, I also love my food and go out to restaurants a fair bit.
What is your biggest dream you would like to come true?
Just to be able to work in music for the rest of my life as I love it!
Thank you for your time and I hope we can see soon
Thanx & please visit my facebook & twitter…
Interview by:
Asia Jaster (
Asia Jaster (
Asia Jaster (
Asia Jaster (
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