Hello Mischa! Thanks that You found some time to give us this interview. It's a big pleasure and honour for us, that You are our guest on Cubestage.pl
The pleasure is all mine!! :-)
At first, tell us something about the beginnings of Your carrer. When did You started to have interest in electronic music?
I was around 12 years old and started on a very simple music program called Fasttracker. It was only sample based and very basic. But, I was able to create really cool tracks already! Then later on I switched to Cubase and I’m still working on this system.
At the age of 16 You won 1st prize at a DJ contest in Netherlands in one of the radio stations. Was that the moment that You thought about big career in music?
Yes, you are really well informed. I won a contest by Mentos that was National organized off all the young talent. The price was national airplay plus 2500 euro ( which I bought turntables of ) From that moment things get more serious but I still was at school and wanted to finish that.
Do You find producing an album as a difficult task?
Well, it’s definitely more difficult as you have to be in a very creative mood to produce a lot of different music at once. An album is like a journey into sounds, samples and vocals of course. So after all, it’s definitely a hard task.
Which one of Your tracks or remixes is making You most proud of?
I’m very proud of my Golden record in Canada for the track ‘Where You Wanna Go’ ( 2012 ) or my first club banger ‘take me higher’ ( 2006 ). That club banger gave me international status so I could play around the world. It was a dream come true really!!
Apart of Your music, producing and Djing, what are Your hobbies? Do You find any free time for any other activities?
Well, just a little time off ;-) I try to meet up with my closes friends and spend quality time with my family. At the end, it’s all about that!
Tell us something that we still don't know about You? ;)
I’m still a single man ;-) hahaha…
What can we expect from You in 2015?
Well, I was laying low for a while due personal matters. I really needed some time off and let my creativity come back. This year I want to boost new tracks!! A blend between house & vocals. Somehing groovy and fresh. Hopefully a big hit in Poland so I can come over and play at Sunrise Festival again :-) As I LOVE that festival!!
What, in Your opinion, is the secret behind such great success of dutch artists?
I think the bad weather haha. And we pass on our knowledge as well and last but not least, it’s all about dance music in Holland.
What You've been doing in last months (I mean Your career of course)?
I was actually chillin’ a lot and take some time off. Now it’s ready to rumble again and create proper house tracks. I’m done with the hard EDM stuff and really want to do more groovy music. Working on a Michael Jackson cover :-)
What are You thoughts about DJ Mag rank and it's results?
It’s a popularity poll that is mainly ruled by the kids, as they vote and not so much adult people. I think the poll is cool but we all know that there are great dj’s outside this poll too. Erick morillo, Solomun etc etc
What advice could You give to some Young producers and artists?
Make sure you really get your OWN ID soundwise. That really makes the difference!!!
What are You life priorities and goals?
Make sure that everyday you wake up, you look in the mirror and you can honestly say to yourself; I love my life!! If that’s not the case anymore then I know I have to do something else! My goal is to create at least one more big hit and have fun and be happy :-)
At New Years Eve You had played in front of our audience at Euphoric New Years Eve. How did You liked that gig? What could You say about polish event scene and polish promoters? How do You like our audience?
I seriously love the Polish crowd. They are always SO enthusiastic and kind. They can really dance all night and drink too haha. I’ve been many times in Poland and was never disappointed. I truly hope to come back soon in Poland. The promoters are super nice too and very ambitious! Euphoric Festival was amazing!! I hope Adrian is going to bring me back this summer to a big lake party he is doing :-)
A short summary of 2014 – what was Your biggest success of last year?
As I said before, I was laying pretty low so I don’t have really big successes yet to mention. I think my biggest success was taking off for a while and clear up my mind :-)
Thanks for Your time – what else would You like to say to our readers and Your fans in Poland?
As I said before, the pleasure is all mine!! I really would like to say to all Polish citizens that I really would love to party with them again and that I cannot wait to be back in one of the lovely cities Poland has to offer!!
Big hugs and love!!!
Matthew Szubert (CubeStage.pl)
Zbigniew "Emill" Pławecki (CubeStage.pl)